Ann Latham’s Tips for Peak Productivity – #5 What If You Had Another Month Every Year?

If you saved an hour a day, that’s 365 hours per year.

365 hours /12 productive hours in a day = 30 days.

If you save an hour a day, you gain 30 days each year. That’s an entire month. Imagine what you could do with another month in the year. Another month to play, spend with family, or complete significant projects.

What are you waiting for? Where is that hour that you could dispense with each day? 

Is it spent:

  • Surfing the web?
  • Checking email or Facebook?Waiting for others?
  • Doing tasks you could/should delegate or outsource?
  • Doing things that don’t need doing?
  • Letting tasks expand to fill available time?
  • Making things perfect that need not be perfect?
  • Being indecisive?
  • Making decisions over and over again?
  • Arguing ineffectively?
  • Meeting without a clear finish line in mind?

Track your time. Find that hour. Free up a month a year for more important things!

This is the fifth in our series of Uncommon Productivity Boosters that help you take control of your time, feel great about each week, and watch those weeks add up to impressive results. Enjoy the previous tips on our website.

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