Endorsements for The Power of Clarity

I am so honored and appreciative that these amazing, busy people took the time to read my newest book and provide an endorsement!

“A critical book for every leader! Learn to give your teams, employees and peers, the clear communication they need to be their most effective and productive in The Power of Clarity.”

— Marshall Goldsmith, the New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

“If complacency and confusion are the disease, clarity is the antidote. And this book is a first-rate guide to infusing its healing powers throughout your organization. The Power of Clarity will help leaders of every kind sharpen their priorities, improve their process, and find greater meaning in their work.”

— Daniel H. Pink, author of When, Drive, and To Sell Is Human

The Power of Clarity is packed with examples that prove clarity is the essence of effective communication—and the fallout from lack of clarity can destroy careers and even organizations. A line from Ann Latham’s introduction says it all: “This is the book that leaders and employees in every organization, for profit and non-profit, need right now.”

— Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level

The Power of Clarity offers profound wisdom and pragmatic tools – industrial-strength thinking tools – for avoiding the activity trap where a bias for action can lead to wasted effort misinterpreted as true progress. A must-read for anyone who cares about advancing achievement.”

— Chip R. Bell, author of Inside Your Customer’s Imagination

“Clarity is the holy grail of decision-making, which is the heart of effective leadership. Ann Latham has made the ethereal practical in The Power of Clarity. Rich in examples and practical applications, it is a worthy contribution to the science and art of leadership.”

— Matt Church, founder of Thought Leaders, creator of The Leadership Landscape, author of Rise Up: An evolution in leadership

“What we think is clear is too often what we merely perceive through the fog we don’t see. In The Power of Clarity, Ann Latham clears that up, but be prepared for the reality.”

— Alan Weiss, PhD, author, Million Dollar Consulting, Legacy, and over 60 other books in 15 languages

“Ann Latham is one of the clearest thinkers I know. Her words leap off the page, with an urgency and a call to action that is hard to ignore. Her blend of dry humour and insightful wisdom is a gift to anyone seeking to work better, manage better, even live better. In her latest book, she tells us that clarity is ‘a new frontier of enormous opportunity’. Her tools and techniques help people at all levels to ‘find the nugget in the chaos’. In this powerful call to action, she asserts that clarity is the most important attribute of a leader, and that unlocking clarity will lead to ‘profit, productivity, confidence, and empowerment’. We all instinctively know that there’s a better way to work. Reading this book is a great start.”

— Jennifer Geary, COO, Asto UK

“Every professional recognizes the importance of clarity – yet it’s often hard to come by in the corporate world. With this smart new framework, Ann Latham shows us how to enhance our own clarity, improve team productivity, and create better organizational performance. An awesome book!”

— Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You and executive education faculty member, Duke University Fuqua School of Business

“Who doesn’t want to work smarter rather than more or harder? Who doesn’t want to be a more effective leader? In The Power of Clarity, Ann gives specific advice on how to unleash the power of clarity in a complex world. I really liked this book. It provides theory only where necessary and is highly practical and applicable.”

— Prof. Dr. Guido Quelle, Managing Partner, Mandat GmbH, Dortmund, London, New York and author of Profitable Growth

The Power of Clarity is a 1000 watt halogen bulb blasting through the ambiguous fog of unfocused meetings, imprecise language, bloated to-do lists, ambiguous expectations, and the lack of serious prioritization that drags down organizational performance.”

— Dan Markovitz, Shingo Prize-winning author, speaker, and consultant. His newest book is The Conclusion Trap.

“If you want to cut through the clutter and chaos of your crazy-busy life, get The Power of Clarity. It’s filled with rock-solid strategies to help you get the right things done expeditiously.”

— Jill Konrath, bestselling author of More Sales Less Time and international speaker

“This is a crisp, clearly written book on a critical but overlooked individual and organizational capacity: clarity. Although it seems obvious (and the book argues persuasively) that lack of clarity wastes enormous amounts of time and capacity, many forces get in the way of achieving it. This book, which has almost universal application, shows the systematic ways of thinking and action steps that can bring valuable, time-saving, focused processes to problem-solving. Everyone who works will benefit from it.”

— Allan R Cohen, Professor of Management (Emeritus), Babson College, coauthor of best seller Influence without Authority.

“Ann Latham’s book is awesome. We aren’t as clear as we think we are and we don’t even recognize how much time and energy we waste. Every day, in nearly every organization, lack of clarity leads to frustration, dissatisfaction and failure to deliver to expectations. The Power of Clarity reveals a HUGE, hidden-in-plain-sight frontier for improvement. I couldn’t see it before reading this book. Now I can’t NOT see it!”

— Amanda Setili, author of Fearless Growth and The Agility Advantage

“Ann Latham’s The Power of Clarity is chocked full of excellent, actionable advice on how to do just about everything better in any workplace. It’s a rare business book that has something valuable on just about every page. No matter where someone is in their evolution as a leader or manager, The Power of Clarity has something to offer.”

— Eli Lehrer, President, RStreet

The Power of Clarity offers a holistic and inclusive way of thinking and doing that would benefit any kind of organization. Latham demonstrates how enhanced attitudes, confidence, respect, trust, and satisfaction are consequences of her process just as much as improved performance. Latham’s attention to the power of clear language to energize and align people is among the many actionable insights of this humane, lucid, and useful book.”

— Katherine Platt, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Babson College

“Clarity. Such a seemingly simple concept yet so difficult to achieve in a complex world. Ann shows how to break through ‘disclarity’ and attain amazing results through practical, real world examples. A must-read for our time.”

— Lynne Robertson, CEO/President, Fame

The Power of Clarity provides a roadmap for businesses and organizations to creating effective, committed and confident teams. Ann Latham lays out a path that challenges the way we all work as individuals, groups and organizations, leading us to a clear understanding of the obstacles that slow down progress and demoralize us in the process. Latham’s book is a gem, a real guide on how to alleviate ambiguity and distractions at the individual and team level. If we follow her process of ‘harnessing the power of clarity’ we will change the way we work, increasing effectiveness, trust and commitment. Her method applies to all of us. I can’t wait to use The Power of Clarity with my team!”

— Ann McElaney-Johnson, President, Mount Saint Mary’s University

“This intriguing book provides compelling evidence that vague and confusing written and oral communication take an enormous toll on workplace productivity. Latham offers specific and straightforward advice for improving decision-making, communication and efficiency. A must-read for anyone, whether business leader or not, who wants better, faster outcomes.”

— Van Zimmer, retired Judge, Iowa Court of Appeals

“A valuable resource for managers and leaders at all levels who can achieve greater organizational excellence using the many practical strategies in this book.”

— Joseph R. Weintraub, Professor of Management, Babson College and coauthor of The Coaching Manager and How to Manage Student Consulting Projects

“The one thing that sets apart people who wish for something, and those who achieve it, is that the second group at some point was able to get clarity. Ann explains in a smart and entertaining way why achieving and embracing clarity is the first step to become the better version of yourself, to work smarter, not harder, and to simply lead a happier life.”

— Dr. Martina Muttke, author of Build Better Brains – A Leader’s Guide to the world of Neuroscience


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