Update: The Power Of Clarity, coming July 2021

My last edits for The Power of Clarity: Unleash the True Potential of Workplace Productivity, Confidence, and Empowerment (Bloomsbury Publishing, July 2021) are in! I’m so glad! And thrilled!

This last round required re-reading the entire book cover to cover. I was afraid I would find that incredibly boring after all the time I have spent with it. Amazingly, I didn’t. Now maybe that says more about my memory than anything else, but I think a better explanation is that I’ve really captured the full power of clarity and created a very compelling case for why creating clarity needs to be a serious priority for every organization. Despite writing about our lack of clarity and the waste and problems it causes for almost two decades, The Power of Clarity is my best effort, best book, best writing yet. You and the rest of the world will be the judge, of course. I’m eager to hear what you think.

You will have to wait a little longer though. There is still much to be done. For example, I just snuck in a long-overdue covid haircut in preparation for getting a new photo for the book jacket. No one in the north country should get photos taken in February. That’s just plain stupid and poor planning. Oh, well. Guilty as charged! Luckily, my photo will be the least important part of my book!


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